Our Consulting Services

In - house Training

If you need in-house training in Food Safety, we can come to you! Training can be tailor made to suit your business. We cover it all whether you intend to sell at a market, use your home kitchen, restaurants, cafes, retirement villages and preschools. Tell us what you need and we can organise a training that is appropriate for your business, and held at a time that is suitable to you. Minimum number applies for all in-house training.

Custom Food Control Plans

A Custom Food Control Plan (FCP) is a written programme designed to manage food safety. We write a Custom FCP, assist in the implementation and apply to MPI for Registration under the Food Act 2014. Who Needs a Custom FCP: Manufacturers and Distributors supplying to retailers, Supermarkets and some companies also require their suppliers to have an approved Custom FCP

Food Control Plans (as required under the Food Act 2014)

A Food Control Plan consists of a set of procedures in place to manage each risk in their particular process. We can assist you by providing a Food Control Plan, train all your staff and assist you fill in the forms correctly. We can assist you by doing an Internal Verification annually so your Establishment can get a good grade (in the Auckland and some other Regions) or have no issues during an External Verification done by a Council Verifier or a MPI approved Verifier.

Internal Verification

For assistance in preparing for an External Verification, we can do an Internal Verification and prepare a report so there are no or limited non - compliance issues. This can be done across the board for Custom Food Control Plan, Template Food Control Plan, a national Programme or a Risk Management Plan

Registration of Food Premises

We assist in getting a food business registered under the Food Act 2014.

Approval can be granted for: A home kitchen, Restaurants, café’s Markets Or any other food operation approved so you can retail food to public.

How can we help?

  • Apply for your food license
  • Train your staff
  • Get your Food Control Plan or your National Programme.
  • Get you an A grade
  • Assist you get an A grade if the premises have a bad grade (D or E)
  • Assist you if your premises are shut down by Council or MPI.

Liquor Licensing

If you plan on selling or supplying liquor to the public, you will need a Liquor Licence. Applying for this licence can be a complex task. We can assist you with the whole package including training the Managers, Managers Licence, Application for Temporary Authority (if required) application for all types of licence, Public Notices and liaison with the councils if required.

Manager’s Certificate

Once you have completed the LCQ training, we can help you apply to your local District Licensing Agency. We can also apply for renewals of a Manager Certificate on your behalf.